Ruth Turner is a designer, painter, freelance illustrator and all-around cool lady working and living in East L.A. She was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, and moved to work in animation and entertainment in the fall of 2015. She lives with her best friend and harshest critic, a 29-year-old cockatiel, Fred.
Some past creative partners include Nickelodeon Animation, Disney Television Animation, Sony Pictures Animation, Warner Bros. Animation, Dreamworks TV, Dick Clark Productions, Trailer Park Inc., and STARZ Entertainment.
Turner is currently engulfed in 3D modeling and printing. Tinkering and seeing creations come to life satisfies her beyond words. She’s excited to share some of these creations and let them give a creative spark to your space of choice.
Each rocket and star is 3D modeled, designed, and 3D printed at home in Turner’s studio. These are bright enough during the day to see colors indoors and perfect in the evenings for a nightlight or low light lamp depending on the color. Both rocket and star LED lamps include a color setting remote with an 18” USB cord connector. The USB connector also has a handy color changing setting button. Colors available are black, UV orange, UV green, UV pink, and UV white. Contact her for additional details.