Unions Strong
“Stronger together” is more than just a handy catchphrase—it’s the lifeblood of the IATSE Locals lifting each other up to support equity and fair treatment on the job.
“Stronger together” is more than just a handy catchphrase—it’s the lifeblood of the IATSE Locals lifting each other up to support equity and fair treatment on the job.
Supervisors and directors in the L.A. animation industry discuss hiring practices, testing, and the realities of trying to staff a show ethically.
Hailing from Minnesota, Jupey moved to Los Angeles in 2002 and within weeks landed a job at The Animation Guild.
The newly designed Express Scripts app lets you easily manage prescription needs.
The Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plans are trust funds established by collective bargaining agreements between employers and unions in the motion picture industry.
Guild Business Representative Steve Kaplan answers common questions about organizing a studio or new production.