Created to provide a soothing mood during stressful times, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Zenimation premieres on May 22 on Disney +. This new, ten-episode animated series focuses on a sensory experience and features selected scenes from Disney Animation films.
The short-form series’ origins date back to the 2019 D23 Expo, which is Disney’s largest fan event. According to David Bess, the series creator and editor, “We were trying to come up with materials for the Disney Animation booth at D23 Expo. The Expo is fun and fast-paced, and I thought it would be helpful to the Expo-goer to have something to watch and relax to from our animated films.”
In the beginning, Zenimation consisted of one-scene vignettes where only the sound effects could be heard. Bess then partnered with executive producer Amy Astley and Disney+ team members to create a series. Bess removed the music and dialogue for scenes, while sound editor Shannon Mills provided additional sound design to enhance the experience for viewers.
Among the scenes featured in the series are Moana’s baby Moana being called to the ocean, Frozen’s Anna and Kristoff walking through an icy forest, and Big Hero 6’s Baymax and Hiro Hamada flying over San Fransokyo. Along with showcasing the sound design that goes into such films, Bess says he hopes that “the series is a reminder to take a step back, take a breath, notice the world around you, and take a moment to appreciate your surroundings.”